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PostHeaderIcon Internet Marketers May All Be Wondering - What is Pinging?


Internet Marketers May All Be Wondering - What is Pinging?

Novice net marketers may blush at the word ping and think that the subject is less than appropriate. Golfers reading this may think we are talking about a famous golf brand. Those seeking to get their webpage noticed will pay close attention to what is about to be exposed here. What is pinging, and how does one ping a web-site? 

A Ping is is essentially an electronic notification that notifies the search engines that a new web-site is obtainable for viewing. Net marketers generate webpages, and place words (called content) on other people's websites and social networking sites so that people will find it, go there and take some sort of action that will ultimately result in an opt-in or a sale. 

If you write an editorial, or post a blog entry, unless you personally tell somebody to go and check it out, there is no way for people to find it. It is like owning a gas station but having it be located back in the midst of the woods somewhere. Effectively letting people know where your webpage or content is is like having a gas station at a major interchange - where everyone can find it. Pinging your new site will place your new content at a major intersection - the search engine. 

Tthe concept is simple. You generate some content, and you need people to find it. Since most people won't be given the link to your new content, there has to be another way that they get there. They all do it everyday - they search using keywords related to what they are looking to find. They go to Google, Yahoo, or Bing, they enter 2-3-4 words, and they finish up with a list of relevant listings that will satisfy our search. 

In order for the search engines to have our content be listed in the search results, they need to alert the search engines that this new content exists, and they do that through pinging, or they ping the info. There's several resources out there that will send this electronic message (ping) to Google, Yahoo, and Bing and let them know your content is new.


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